
Friday, March 26, 2021

My Mihi Pepeha

My Mihi Pepeha.

A  Mihi is a Maori greeting, formal welcome speech, or expression of thanks\greet, formally welcome, or thank (someone).

Whats your Mihi?


Country facts about small wonderful South Korea


Country facts about South Korea.

If you could write facts about a country what country would you pick? 

Vilimaina's Magical Maths


My Maths(Factors) factors was really hard for me to under stand but I got some great advice from my teachers and I did my best and I got did it.

What did you learn\ What did you already know?  

The most important thing in our humongous catholic school.


Last week we wrote about what's important to our school and i chose to do our school  about 

 What would you write about that's important to our school?

Our Church is a special place in our community because you can pray for those who are sick and for the people who need help and for all those people who lost their family members in the earthquake, not only that you can also go in at any age. 

The best thing is when you  pray you can talk to god and thank him for everything he has done for you,god will also help you face your fears and take away all your problems so you can live a happy life. 

You can also take your siblings and your friends to church and sometimes father will tell stories about god,When you go inside of the church there sometimes is a statue of god in pain on the cross with nails on his hand and on his leg.

You can also get baptised at a young age,you also can go with your whole family and you can take as much people you want ,but there are a few rules and the most important rule is that you can't make fun of god or laugh at him for sacrificing himself to save us and to give us a 100% of surviving.

My story about a mischievous little boy.

 Hello this is my first Blog post and I chose to post  my silent writing, it's about a little boy named Tayolr and he loves going to the beach. 🏖          


Can you write a story about someone and  a place?

                         Once upon a time their was a little boy that loved going to the beach and that little boy’s name was Taylor.

Every time little Taylor went to the beach he would always stick his toes in the warm golden beautiful sand and before he  got to the deep blue ocean floor he always said a poem about the sun.

Oh sun oh sun you always glow like a lighting bolt and you shimmer in the blue ocean sky but in the afternoon I have to say goodbye but I’ll see you tomorrow when you rise.

After Taylor says the poem he gets in the  deep ocean floor and plays with the wet sandy shells that he finds, Taylor tries not to step on the hard pointy broken shells and the small tiny crabs that crawl around on the warm golden sand.

After taking a dip in the deep blue sea Taylor ate a delicious looking sandwich and drank a cold icy drink,

Although Taylor loved the beach he had to go home so he could rest, but before Taylor left he said “Goodbye big shiny bolt of light I’ll see you tomorrow” and with a big smile Taylor went home and went to sleep.

The End.