
Friday, September 17, 2021

Cheesy Persuasive Writing

 Hi and welcome to my blog post, today I will be showing you a persuasive writing I wrote and the topic is We Should Not Have A School dress Code. I wrote 3 reasons why I think we shouldn't have a dress code. Hope you like it and  God Bless You.

Do you agree that We should Not Have a Dress Code?

We Should Not Have A School dress Code

In my opinion I think that school should not have a dress code and I’m going to

 tell you 3 reasons why,

  1.  It is uncomfortable for 

most of the 

students in the school.

  1.  Students should be free 

and wear whatever they want.

  1.  School uniforms are expensive

 so some parents won’t be able to afford them.

So you see, If school didn’t have a dress code all the students

 would be 

able to run around freely 

while feeling comfortable.

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