
Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Jesse Tree Create

 Hi and welcome to my Blog Post, today I will be showing you a poster I made for the Kakano kids.             It took me a while to make, some of the symbols were sketched by me and some I got from the internet.       

Can you guess what some of the symbols mean?

I Hope You Like It & God Bless You and Your Family.

Monday, November 29, 2021

My Blog Post

 Hi and welcome to my blog post, today I will be showing you an RE create I made. My create is based on Advent. I hope my create teaches you something  and I hope you have a great day.

What do you know about Advent???

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

My Poem

 HI and welcome to my Blog Post, today I will be showing you a poem I made all by myself I hope yo like it.

Inspired by Michael Rosen.                                                                                                                            Do you know who Michael Rosen is?

The fat cat sat on the mat with his friend named Mat, They saw a rat that flew like a bat across the big purple mat. They chased it till it yelled “please stop i just want to make some friends”. The fat cat made friend with the lowlife rat.

Monday, November 15, 2021

My Epic Te Reo Maori Weather News Report

 Hi and welcome to my Blog Post, today I will be showing you a Script Natalia and I made. Natalia chose to 2 cities from the South of New Zealand to put in our script and I chose 2 cities from the North of New Zealand.

Can you name 2 cities from the North and South of New Zealand?

Natalia: Kia ora and welcome to channel 6 news.

Vili: today I will be telling you the weather

from the North of New Zealand :)

Natalia: and I will be telling you the weather

from the South of New Zealand :)

Vili: Tonight it will be a marangai (Stormy)

night in Te Whanganui-a-Tara

So stay safe and stay warm. 

Natalia: Right now in Ōtautahi

the weather will

be very mākū (wet) because It has

been Te ua (raining).

Vili: In Tāmaki-Makau-rau (Auckland)

it will be a very wera (HOT) day

Natalia: In Ōtepoti (Dunedin) it will be a VERY

hukarere (Snowy) day.

Natalia: KaKe Te everyone

Vili: Mā Te Wā 

Thursday, November 4, 2021

House of Bricks

 Hi and welcome to my Blog Post. Today I will be showing you a Reflection of what I did   when House of Bricks came to our school.                                                                           Have you done House Of Bricks?

My favorite Lego activity was building racing cars because I got to build a car with my friend Natalia. We started off with a small and heavy car but it wouldn't go down the ramp so we changed the car. Natalia and I made the car longer, added wings in the middle of the car and we also put some weight on the back to make it go faster.

My least favorite Lego activity was pass the bricks because I started off with half a house but I had to pass. After the first rotation I took 1 look at it and I froze, it came back looking like a skyscraper, after the second rotation it still looked like a skyscraper but with more skyscrapers beside it.  

The activity that tested my perseverance the most was building the racing car because we kept failing but we never gave up. When our ideas didn’t work we kept changing and made it better.

The most challenging activity was building a tower because everyone kept on shoving each other and when we built the tower really high and someone knocked it over by accident the others yelled at the mortal.

I enjoyed working collaboratively with others because we got to share our ideas with one another and none of us got left out.

Friday, October 29, 2021


  Hi and welcome to my Blog Post, today I will be showing you my reading create about Water & Air Pollution. My Goal was to identify key words which when combined with prior knowledge, will help with understanding and ask higher level questions about the text, such as 'why' and 'how'. I Hope You Like It and God Bless You.

What do you know about Water & Air Pollution?

Thursday, October 28, 2021


 Hi and welcome to my Blog Post, today I will be showing you my math create I did this week. It took me a while to make because it was really hard to come up with 10 questions.

I hope you like it and God Bless you.                                                                                                                 How many maths strategies do you know?

OT1 Maths Questions

  1. Mrs Bryce bought 40 bottles of hand sanitizer for Kaupeka and Tumu. She wanted to share the hand sanitizer with each hub evenly. 

How many hand sanitizers does each hub get?

  1.  5÷5=

  1.  Mr Trewin got whiteboard markers for his math group inside his 2 jacket pockets, in each pocket he had 5 whiteboard markers.

How many whiteboard markers did Mr Trewin have altogether?

  1.  4x3=

  1.  Mrs Carney bought a packet of strawberries (with 24 strawberries inside) for her 2 daughters, she wanted to half it so each daughter gets the same amount of strawberries. How many strawberries did each daughter get?

    1.   8÷2=

    1.  Steve went to Bunnings and bought 30 buckets of paint for maker space, he needed to divide them into 10 piles for children to use. 

    How many buckets were in each pile?

    1.  Mrs Ferguson bought 68 paint brushes for the art club and she only wanted to use  half of the paint brushes on Tuesday and another half the next week.

    How many brushes does she use each week?

    1.  9x5=

    1. Mr Tempelton bought 4 pairs of jordans with his life   savings, he wanted to share them with one of his friends.

    How many pairs of Jordans does each of them get?

Friday, October 22, 2021


 Hi and welcome to my Blog Post, today I will be showing you a RE create I made about JESUS.                I hope you like it, God Bless You & Your Family.

What do you know about Jesus?

Tumu Hub Teams Birthday Month

 Hi and welcome to my blog post for term 3 week 1, today I will be showing you a graph I made about Tumu Hubs Birthday Months. I made a copy of the google sheet the teachers made for the whole Hub. After I made a copy I made a graph and it took me a while because I couldn't find the right graph to use and I had to make sure I did everything right. I also made statements under the two different graphs I made from the google sheets. My goal is to display data using stem leaf graph.

When's your Birthday?


My Cheesy Writing

Hi and welcome to my Blog Post, today I will be showing you writing I made about How to take care of our school environment.

What do you know about taking care of the school environment?

How to be a

good friend.

Firstly, to be a good friend you have to

be able to trust your friend and treat

them how you want them to treat you.

Respect your friend and help them when t

hey need it and don’t hurt your friend

because that might get in the way of

your friendship.

Secondly, don’t talk bad about your friend

and don’t make up lies about them because

that can really hurt their feelings.

If you and your friend have a fight then

try to solve it, don’t try and end your friendship.

Thirdly, don’t keep secrets from your friend,

sometimes keeping secrets from your friend

can somehow hurt their feelings.

Lastly, stick up for your friends,

if you see them getting bullied don’t

just stand there and watch, help them

and as them if they're OK.

Monday, October 4, 2021

My Friendship Board Game

 Hi and welcome to my Blog Post, today I will be showing you a board game I made about friendship,the theme was Red & Blue-my 2 favourite colours.

I hope you like it, God Bless You and your family.

How many friends do you have?

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

The Lighthouse keeper

 Hi and welcome to my Blog Post, today I will be showing you a writing I made about a lighthouse keeper. It took me a while to write but I hope you like it, God Bless You and your family.

What's your best writing?

The Lighthouse Keeper.

Late one cold winter night a lighthouse keeper (who was extremely exhausted) angrily slammed the window shut

suddenly the window opened and blew out the

small candle that was in front of the lighthouse keeper.

Then he heard a SMASH!, quickly he ran upstairs

to find that the big bright light had shut down. 

Slowly he looked outside and he froze,

a huge ship

was heading toward the lighthouse. 

The lighthouse keeper tried to fix the big bright

lighthouse light by taking it out, but suddenly the

lighthouse keeper accidentally tripped over his

toolbox and broke the light.

Panicked, the lighthouse keeper ran back downstairs

as fast as he could to look outside and to his surprise

the loyal villagers were walking towards the lighthouse

with lanterns to help the lighthouse keeper so the ship

doesn't crash into the lighthouse and village.


Thursday, September 23, 2021

Top 10 poster of how to be good friend

 Hi and welcome to my blog post, today I will be showing you a Reading Create I made this week.                My reading create was to make a Top 10 poster of how to be good friend so I hope you like it.

Remember to be good friend, God Bless You and your family

How many friends do you have?

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

My RE- Franciscan Charisam

 Hi and welcome to my blog post, today I will be showing you a RE create I made about the Franciscan Charisam. St Francis was a spoiled rich kid but he gave all his things away so he could become poor to. 

I hope you like it, God Bless You and your family.

What do you know about the Franciscan Charisam?

Sunday, September 19, 2021

My Outstanding Poster

 Hi and welcome to my Blog Post, today I will be showing you a poster I made about   Beatitudes.  I made a burger showing what all the Beatitudes are. I hope you like it and God Bless You and your family.

Friday, September 17, 2021

Cheesy Persuasive Writing

 Hi and welcome to my blog post, today I will be showing you a persuasive writing I wrote and the topic is We Should Not Have A School dress Code. I wrote 3 reasons why I think we shouldn't have a dress code. Hope you like it and  God Bless You.

Do you agree that We should Not Have a Dress Code?

We Should Not Have A School dress Code

In my opinion I think that school should not have a dress code and I’m going to

 tell you 3 reasons why,

  1.  It is uncomfortable for 

most of the 

students in the school.

  1.  Students should be free 

and wear whatever they want.

  1.  School uniforms are expensive

 so some parents won’t be able to afford them.

So you see, If school didn’t have a dress code all the students

 would be 

able to run around freely 

while feeling comfortable.

Monday, September 13, 2021

Cheesy Poster

 Hi and welcome to my blog post, today I will be showing you a Reading Create I made during lock down. My Goal was to Use prior knowledge to connect to the text, make connections between texts and real life experiences, make connections between texts, make connections between other texts and general knowledge to expand meaning and pose questions.

was supposed to make 10 different types of boxes with my favorite hobbies but I only wanted to make 5.    I hope you like it and God Bless You.

Whats your favorite hobby?

Monday, August 9, 2021

Gospel Reflection Poster

 Hi and welcome to my blog post for this week, today Tumu hub watched  a video about God and it was amazing. We had 9 options, we could either make a poster, role play,Art work, written reflection, action wall, animation, news report book mark or screencastify and I chose to make a poster.I hope you like it and God Bless you.

What would you have chose?

Friday, August 6, 2021

The bright yellow Umbrella

 Hi and welcome to my blog post, at the start of the week Tumu Hub watched a video called Umbrella and we had to rewrite the video on a google doc. It was a really sad video and it was about empathy, empathy means being able to feel what someone else is the feeling. This is what I wrote and I hope you like it, God bless you and your family. 😃😃

Early one stormy morning, the dusty cracked door to Miss Elem’s home for children swung wide open.

The small girl had a bright shiny yellow umbrella, she anxiously entered the orphanage before finding a home for her bright shiny yellow umbrella. 

Not wanting to be spotted by others, Boris quickly dashed his head around the cracked door frame so that he was hidden in plain sight.

Standing in the long hallway, the little girl noticed  the heart touching  scene as the little children searched through the heavy box for hidden treasures.

The girl smiled as she watched the young boy zooming around the room like a bright red race car.

The smile on the little girl's face swiftly turned upside down as she looked back to the umbrella stand and all she saw were tiny little puddles. Her beloved umbrella was gone.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Gospel Reflections

 Hi and welcome to my blog post for this week, today I am going to be showing you my Gospel Reflection, I wrote three questions and I answered. I hope you like it and God bless you.

Witch question do you like?

Poetry week

 Kia ora and welcome to my blog post for this week, Today I made a poem on a google drawing and sorry if it's not perfect. I hope you like it and God bless you.

Have you ever write a Poem before?

Thursday, June 17, 2021


Hi and welcome back to my blog post for this week 7 create. I did a create to share with Paiaka and it;s about being kind to others, I hope you like mine and God bless you.

How are you going to be kind this week?

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Motor Vehicles

 Hi and welcome to my magnificent blog post, this week Tumu hub learned about cars. We watched some videos and after Tumu watched the videos we had to make a create 

I hope you like my create and God bless you.

What do you know about cars?

Friday, June 11, 2021

Pick A Path: Timetable

 Hi and welcome back to another one of my amazing blogs, this for the past few weeks Tumu has been learning on how to do timetables from 1 to 12. This week every person in  Tumu had to do a pick a path about timetables, sorry if mine is short but I hope you like it.

What timetable do you know?

My magnificent Math

 Hi and welcome to another one of my amazing blog post, this week I had a workshop and my goal was. Using different strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems. Sorry if it's short but I hope you like it.

God bless you.

How many different ways can you solve addition and subtraction problems?

Thursday, June 3, 2021

My Margret Mahy trip recount

Hi and welcome to my blog post, On Thursday the 20th Tumu hub went on a trip to Margaret Mahy.We split up into our 4 groups Rātā, Mānia, Korokio and Kōhia, every group went to a different rotation.

Korokio went to  Margaret Mahy, Mānia went to the waka, Rātā went to Victoria aqare and Kōhia went to feed the eels and look at the mats. 

I was in Korokio so I went to  Margaret Mahy first. At  Margaret Mahy we did a scavenger hunt, we had to get into 2 groups and started looking. The best part is that every group had to have 1 year 7 & 8 in all the groups but  Mānia had 2.

My favourite part of the trip was when we got to feed the eels/tuna. Feeding the ells/tunas was my  favourite part of the trip because I got a chance to get a closer look at their small sharp teeth.

Something I learnt was that female eels are thicker than the male eels, and that female eels can lay up to a million eggs.

The thing I found the most interesting was the eels because I learned a lot of cool facts about the eels but on the trip I found out that the eels/tuna are an endangered animal.


This trip has helped me with my PBL because it helped me get ideas for my 

Trip Recount.

Monday, May 31, 2021

My Magical Math

Hi and welcome back to another one of my blog post, through the year Tumu hub has to add a slide to a math board. What is a math board??? Well you will know after I show you this.

Have you ever done a math board before?


Thursday, May 27, 2021

My math experiences

 Hi and welcome back to another one of my blog post's and this week I learned how to use multiplication and division strategies to find fractions of whole numbers. It was really hard but I did it and I'm proud, and it took me along time to answer these three question.

What math problem do you know and how many can you answer?

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Te reo maori

 Hi and welcome back to another one of my blog post, this week Tumu hub learned that 

"Kei te pehea koe" means how are you in Maori. Tumu had to do a google drawing about what we learned, and my theme was Naruto.

What else can you say in Maori?

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Bully free week

 Hi, Welcome back to another one of my blog posts, I hope you're having a great day today.Speaking of today, Today I'm going to show you  an activity  Tumu hub did this week. I hope you like it and remember God loves you.

Have you ever done one of these before???

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

My writing about Margret Mahy

 Hi, this week Tumu hubs literacy task board we had to watch a video about Margaret Mahy and make a blog post, on what we learnt about Margaret Mahy. Me and my class found out that we are going to Margret Mahy on May 20th, I am so excited to do all the actives.

I hope you like it and God loves you 

Have you ever been to Margaret Mahy?

Monday, May 10, 2021

interesting week 2 Te Reo Māori

Hi, today Tumu hub learned two interesting whakataukī and we had to make a create on what it means to you and what it means.

I hope you like it and God bless you

What whakataukī do you know?

Thursday, April 15, 2021

How to make a quality blog post/comment.

Kia ora 

Today I made a slide on how to write a quality blog post and a blog comment.  In a quality blog post you need to write your learning goal and what you have learnt. 

I hope you learned something from my slide and I hope you have a great day. 

I really enjoy blogging everything I learn because it is fun and I share my learning with everyone else. 

Do you like blogging?

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Random native reading

 Hi Its Vilimaina here and i will be sharing my reading about the 4 teams in Tumu and Kaupeka:

What reading do you read about?

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Fun Easter Facts.

Hi today I'm going to tell you fun easter facts.
What do you know about easter?

Easter is celebrated on Sunday because that’s when Jesus rose from the dead.

You might be thinking  “Why do we go easter egg hunting on easter on the day Jesus rose from the dead”?

It’s because the easter eggs is a ancient symbol of new life, has been associated with pagan festivals celebrating spring.

Every year on Friday April the 2 most people see it as a normal friday but christens see it as a good friday.Good friday is the day Jesus died on the cross.

Jesus died on the cross when he was 33 and he died in pain .

Friday, March 26, 2021

My Mihi Pepeha

My Mihi Pepeha.

A  Mihi is a Maori greeting, formal welcome speech, or expression of thanks\greet, formally welcome, or thank (someone).

Whats your Mihi?


Country facts about small wonderful South Korea


Country facts about South Korea.

If you could write facts about a country what country would you pick? 

Vilimaina's Magical Maths


My Maths(Factors) factors was really hard for me to under stand but I got some great advice from my teachers and I did my best and I got did it.

What did you learn\ What did you already know?  

The most important thing in our humongous catholic school.


Last week we wrote about what's important to our school and i chose to do our school  about 

 What would you write about that's important to our school?

Our Church is a special place in our community because you can pray for those who are sick and for the people who need help and for all those people who lost their family members in the earthquake, not only that you can also go in at any age. 

The best thing is when you  pray you can talk to god and thank him for everything he has done for you,god will also help you face your fears and take away all your problems so you can live a happy life. 

You can also take your siblings and your friends to church and sometimes father will tell stories about god,When you go inside of the church there sometimes is a statue of god in pain on the cross with nails on his hand and on his leg.

You can also get baptised at a young age,you also can go with your whole family and you can take as much people you want ,but there are a few rules and the most important rule is that you can't make fun of god or laugh at him for sacrificing himself to save us and to give us a 100% of surviving.